Board of Quality Standards (BQS) International
The Board of Quality Standards is an independent international quality assurance regulator and a member of the international quality assurance agencies for higher education (INQAAHE). The organization is an independent international legal personality governed by charter to serve as Quality Assurance Authoritative Body to promote quality assurance in Higher education and certification bodies.
The BQS is an independent quality management Accreditation and certification body for ISO standards complying with the accreditation requirement of ISO 17021.The organization is also an international network of professionals on quality assurance and curriculum accreditation.
BQS is an international agency responsible for the provision of information. expert opinion on qualifications, quality certification world wide and sorely dedicated to quality assurance in Higher educational curriculum and management development of institutions and is also an advocate of quality assurance ,good practice, responsibility, competence, dissemination of information, experiences and good practices in the field of quality assurance (QA) .
The BQS‘s purpose is to protect, promote and maintain the Quality Assurance in institutions by ensuring proper standards in the practice of Quality Assurance. The international advisory council (IAC) is the governing body of the BQS and is responsible for the overall control of the International organization.
Furthermore, BQS complying with the accreditation requirements of ISO 17021, ISO Guide 53, ISO Guide 65 and ISO Guide 67 set forth by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). They are now endorsed by 159 countries, and are globally accepted standards for accreditation and certification bodies.
To provide quality Assurance oversight to institutions and certifications bodies around the world and the Ballsbridge University system and also promoting all forms of lifelong learning to adults around the world.
The core value are:
Provide Quality Assurance and Accreditation to certification bodies
Achieving quality Assurance in universal third education
Eliminating gender disparities in education
Using distance learning to overcome barriers
Supporting education in difficult circumstances
Sets standards and oversees education
Provides membership accreditation across the board
provide one source worldwide for all higher education quality information
Quality assurance in higher education curriculum
Quality assurance certification on ISO standards
BQS Services