Code of Good practice
Members and subscribers to BQS are expected to
- Familiarise themselves with issues regarding quality assurance and constant Quality maintenance in higher education .
- To behave ethically and responsibly towards prospective, current and past students and towards other educational institutions.
- Offer an educational experience which is fit for purpose, clearly and accurately described to students and, where appropriate, certificated by recognised qualifications. Institutions offering “degrees” which are not accredited by a nationally recognised authority will automatically be excluded from being BQS Accredited members or subscribers.
- Ensure that admissions requirements are such as to maintain appropriate academic standards, and to ensure that international students admitted to courses have a reasonable expectation of successful completion of the course.
- Offer sufficient levels of information, advice and support services to international students to enable them to make an appropriate choice of course and institution; to prepare for their time abroad; to complete the course successfully; and to progress onwards to the next stage of education or employment.
- Ensure that students are given appropriate opportunities to experience the wider social and cultural benefits of an international education, through meaningful contact with international students and local communities.
- Acknowledge that the conduct of any person acting as an agent of the institution is the responsibility of that institution and must be properly trained, managed and monitored. Ensure that advisers and consultants engaged by the institution provide students with accurate, adequate and timely information and advice. They should also ensure that any charges levied are proportional and clearly stated in advance.
- Ensure students receive clear and detailed information about fees and other costs relating to their course of study, with reasonable advance notice given of any increases. Where deposits are charged, refund policies should be explicit and refund payments should not be subject to undue delays.
- Be committed to the provision of staff development and resources sufficient to ensure the delivery of adequate levels of Professional,academic and other services to international students
- Inform students of the channels for raising complaints both informally and formally within the institution, and of any avenues of complaint open to them outside it, should their complaints not be satisfactorily resolved internally.
- Adhere to legislation, and advocate good governance .
- Support advocacy in QA in your region and host QA conferencies.
BQS provides its services and/or products to all individuals without regard to race, color, creed, disability, gender, or sexual orientation.
BQS makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of information found in its publications and on its web sites, it assumes no responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy or validity of opinions expressed and represented therein. Links to external web sites do not constitute endorsements of products or services. Accordingly, the University cannot be held liable for any damages resulting from its programs, activities, print materials or electronic communications.
Copyright © 2011 Board of Quality Standards . All rights reserved.