Accredited Professional Bodies
The following Professional Bodies are Accredited
OIACA- Oxford Institute of African Chartered Accountant
EIWCE- England Institute of World chartered Economist
LIACE London Institute of World Chartered Economist
CIWCA- Cambridge Institute of World Chartered Accountants
Africa Institute of Chartered Management and Leadership
Africa Institute of Chartered Journalists
Africa Institute of Chartered Entrepreneurship management
Africa Institute of Chartered personnel Management
Africa Institute of Chartered sociologists and Anthropologists
Africa Institute of Chartered political Scientists
Africa Institute of Chartered Education Administrators
Africa Institute of Chartered Marketers
Africa Institute of Chartered purchasing management
Africa Institute of Chartered Bankers
Africa Institute of Chartered Public
Africa Institute of Chartered Transports and Logistics
Africa Institute of Chartered Psychologists and Criminologists
Africa Institute of Chartered Sociologists and Anthropologists
Africa Institute of Professional Engineers and Technologists
Africa Institute of Professional Scientists.
POMA International Group oF Schools
Poma International Business Academy
Africa Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators